Sunday, August 31, 2014


              A distributed system is one in which located at networked computers communication and co-ordinate their actions only by passing messages. This definition leads to the following characteristics of distributed systems; concurrency of components,lack of global clock and independent failure of components.
§Defining Distributed Systems
§Resource sharing and the Web
§Design Challenges of Distributed Systems

                           §Defining Distributed Systems

§ Various definition of distributed systems have been given in the literature, for example:

    Ø A collection of logically related data that is distributed over different processing nodes of computer network.

§ Definition above does not provide all characteristics of distributed systems.

 Another way is a definition is difficult to find a definition that provides all characteristics  that gives a loose characterization for distributed systems such as:

    Ø A distributed system is a collection of independent computers that appear to the users of the system as a single computer.

§With any definition, sharing of resources is a main motivation for constructing distributed systems.
 In this course, we define distributed systems more precisely as :
Ø A distributed system is one in which hardware or software components located at networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions only by message passing.
        Definition above covers the entire range of distributed systems in which networked computers can usefully be deployed.

§  Networks of computers are everywhere!
§  Examples of networks of computers are:
Ø Mobile phone networks
Ø Corporate networks
Ø Factory networks
Ø Campus networks
Ø Home networks
Ø In-car networks
Ø On board networks in aero planes and trains

Defining Distributed Systems
       § Our definition of distributed systems has the following significant consequences:ØConcurrency    Tasks carry out independently

No global clock

    Tasks coordinate their actions by exchanging message

ØIndependent Failures

 Faults in the network result in the isolation of the computers that are connected to it.

 v Each component of the system can fail independently, leaving the others still running. 

General Examples of Distributed Systems

§ Internet
§ Intranets
§ Mobile networks 
§The Internet
          Ø The Internet is a vast interconnected collection of computer networks of many different types.
         Ø Multimedia services are available in the Internet enabling users to access audio and video data including music, radio, TV channels, phone, and video conferencing.
  § Intranet
         Ø An intranet is a portion of the Internet that is separately administered and has a boundary that can be configured to enforce local security policie
  § Mobile networks
          Ø Technological advances in device miniatorization and wireless networking have led increasingly to the integration of small and portable computing devices into distributed systems.
          Ø These devices include:
                        Laptop computers
                        Handheld devices
 • Personal digital assistants(PDAs)
• Mobile phones
• Pagers
• Video cameras
• Digital camera

Ø Wearable devices
                       Smart watches with functionality similar to a PDA
Ø Devices embedded in appliances
      v Washing machines
      v Hi-fi systems
      v Cars
      v Refrigerators

§ Cluster

      Ø A type of parallel or distributed processing system, which consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone  computers cooperatively working together as a single, integrated computing resource. The computers may be standard per uniprocessor or multiprocessor.

     Ø A cluster can be used for providing highly scalable services such as search engines provide for users all over the Internet.

  Ø A type of parallel and distributed system that enables the sharing, selection, and aggregation of geographically distributed autonomous resources dynamically at runtime depending on their availability, capability, performance, cost, and users' quality-of-service requirements.

  § The World Wide Web

        Ø The World Wide Web is an evolving system for publishing and accessing resources and services across the Internet.

 Design Challenges of Distributed Systems

Designers of distributed systems need to take the following challenges into account:

Ø Heterogeneity

              Heterogeneous components must be able to interoperate.

Ø Openness

   Interfaces should allow components to be added or replaced.

 Ø Security

   The system should only be used in the way intended.

 Ø Scalability

           v System should work efficiently with an increasing number of users.

           System performance should increase with inclusion of additional resources
  Ø Failure handling

           Failure of a component (partial failure) should not result in failure of the whole system.


   Distribution should be hidden from the user as much as possible..


§ Heterogeneous components that must be able to interoperate, apply to all of the following:

Ø Networks

Ø Hardware architectures

Ø Operating systems

Ø Programming languages

§ Examples that mask differences in network, operating systems, hardware and software to provide heterogeneity are

Ø Middleware

Ø Internet protocols

Ø Mobile code


  Middleware applies to a software layer.

   v Middleware provides a programming abstraction.

   v Middleware masks the heterogeneity of the underlying networks, hardware, operating systems and programming languages.

   v The Common Object Request Broker (CORBA) is a middleware example.

ØVirtual machine

      Virtual machine provides a way of making code executable on any hardwar


 § Distributed systems must be extensible.

 § Openness of a computer system is the characteristic that determines whether the system can be extended and re-implemented in various ways.

§ The first step in openness is publishing  the documentation of software components and interfaces of the components to make them available to software developers.
§ Security of a computer system is the characteristic that the resources are accessible to authorized users and used in the way they are intended.
§ Security for information resources has three components:
      Protection against disclosure to unauthorized individual.
       Protection against alteration or corruption.
  v Protection against interference with the means to access the resources.

§ Security Mechanisms are:

    Ø Encryption

    Ø Authentication

     Ø Authorization

     Security challenges

§ Denial of service attacks

    Ø Denial of service attacks is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users.

§ Security of mobile code

    Ø Mobile code needs to be handled with care.

 v E.g. receiving an executable program as an electronic mail attachment to display an   picture but in reality it may access local resources, or perhaps be part of a denial of service attack


§ Scalable distributed systems operate

     effectively and efficiently at 

     many different scales, ranging from a small Intranet to the Internet.
§ Scalable distributed systems remain 

effective when there is a significant 

 increase in the number of resources 
      and the number of users
§ Challenges of designing scalable distributed systems are:

ØControlling the cost of physical resources
          Cost should linearly increase with the system size.
ØControlling the performance loss
         For example, in hierarchically structured data, search performance loss due to data growth should not be beyond O(log n), where n is the size of data.

Failure handling

§ Failures n distributed systems are 

      partial, that is some components 
      fail while others continue to 

§ Techniques for dealing with failures:
ØDetecting failures
        E.g. Checksums
ØMasking failures
       E.g. Retransmission of corrupt messages
       E.g. File redundancy
ØTolerating failures
           E.g. Exception handling
      E.g. Timeouts
ØRecovery from Failure
       E.g. Rollback mechanisms
         E.g. Redundant components
§ With concurrency, services and applications can be shared by clients in a distributed system.
§ For an object to be safe in a concurrent environment, its operations must be synchronized in such a way that its data remains consistent.
§ Concurrency can be achieved by standard techniques such as semaphores, which are used in most operating systems.
§ Transparency is defined as the hiding of the separation of components in a distributed systems from the user and the application programmer.
§ With transparency the system is perceived as a whole rather than a collection of independent components. 
§ Forms of transparencies
ØAccess transparency
       v  Enables local and remote resources to be accessed using identical operations.
ØLocation transparency
      Enables resources to be accessed without knowledge of their physical or network location (for example, which building or IP address).
ØConcurrency transparency
      Enables several processes to operate concurrently using shared resources without interference between them.
ØReplication transparency
      Enables multiple instances of resources to be used to increase reliability and performance without knowledge of the replicas by users or application programmers.
ØFailure transparency
       Enables the concealment of faults, allowing users and application programs to complete their tasks despite the failure of hardware or software components.
ØMobility transparency
      Allows the movement of resources and clients within a system without affecting the operation of users or programs
§ The two most important transparencies are access and location transparency referred to together as network transparency.
§ Presence or absence of network transparency most strongly affects the utilization of distributed resources.

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